Innovation cuts through waste emissions

CEFC finance continues to accelerate the
deployment of market leading waste and resource recovery projects.
This includes investing in projects that demonstrate commercially feasible ways of reducing waste emissions, as pressure grows for Australia to improve domestic waste management.
Effective waste management can deliver positive renewable energy outcomes as well as the diversion of waste from landfill, which is also critical to reducing emissions and creating usable by-products such as compost.

Diverting waste from landfill
The $511 million East Rockingham Waste to Energy facility in Western Australia will help tackle Australia’s rising waste management problem by diverting waste from landfill. When complete, the facility will process about 300,000 tonnes of residual waste a year, reducing annual emissions by more than 300,000 tCO2-e; the equivalent of taking about 64,000 cars off the road. It will also provide 29 MW of reliable generation capacity for the South West Interconnected System, enough to power more than 36,000 homes. CEFC commitment: up to $57.5 million.

Avertas Energy
Avertas Energy has achieved significant milestones in the development of Australia’s first large scale energy from waste project. The major foundations and civil works components at the Perth site have been completed and work on the mechanical erection of the boiler steelwork is well advanced. CEFC commitment: up to $90 million.

South Eastern Organics Processing Facility
South Eastern Organics Processing Facility in Melbourne is now fully operational. The plant is targeting the annual conversion of some 12,000 truckloads of household garden and food waste into 50,000 tonnes of high grade compost. CEFC commitment: up to $38 million.

Cleanaway has developed a best-in-class resource recovery centre in Sydney’s Erskine Park. It has also installed an automated recycling sorting line at its Eastern Creek facility, also in Sydney. The equipment is diverting large volumes of waste from landfill with the aim of delivering meaningful reductions in greenhouse gas emissions over their operating lives. Further investment in additional waste diversion, recycling and resource recovery initiatives are planned. CEFC commitment: up to $90 million.