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1.How we make investment decisions

1.1What does the CEFC invest in?

We can make investments which are solely or mainly Australian-based and which feature renewable energy, energy efficiency and/or low emissions technologies.

Our investments in large-scale projects and funds are generally from $20 million and above and usually include capital from co-investors.

We also provide discounted finance for smaller scale asset finance projects via our co-financiers. These are usually from $10,000 to $5 million.

Our specialist Household Energy Upgrades Fund focused on sustainable housing.

We do not invest in carbon capture and storage, nuclear technology or nuclear power and do not make grants.

More information: CEFC Investment Guidelines and Asset finance and HEUF

1.2Who makes CEFC investment decisions

The CEFC Board has established Investment Delegations that provide conditional authority for the CEO to approve investments that meet specific criteria. The Executive Team is responsible for assisting the CEO and Board in making investments, conducting reviews and managing day-to-day investment matters.

More information: CEFC Investment Policies 

1.3Do you provide grants?

No. The CEFC does not make grants. We aim to deliver a positive return across our portfolio.

1.4Who can I talk to about my finance request?

Before contacting us, please ensure your solely or mainly Australian investment opportunity relates to renewable energy, energy efficiency and/or low emissions technology.

More information: Investment Guidelines and Investment Policies

If you have a smaller-scale asset finance requirement, please go directly to the lenders involved in our current co-finance programs.

More information: CEFC asset finance

If you are a householder, please refer to our Household Energy Upgrades Fund

More information: HEUF

We aim to respond to investment queries in a timely manner. We appreciate your patience if that takes a little longer than expected.

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2.Household Energy Upgrades Fund™

2.1What is the Household Energy Upgrades Fund™? 

The CEFC Household Energy Upgrades Fund™ is a specialist $1 billion fund focused on improving housing sustainability, with CEFC capital helping deliver discounted finance for a range of clean energy technologies.

2.2How can I get the discounted finance?

Working with established co-financiers means HEUF finance can be more readily available to a broad range of consumers Australia-wide. Interested borrowers should directly contact participating financial institutions. You can find the list of co-financiers on our HEUF website page.

2.3Can the CEFC arrange finance for me?

The CEFC does not provide finance to individual borrowers and is not involved in individual financing decisions. Interested borrowers should directly contact participating financial institutions. You can find the list of co-financiers on our HEUF website page.

2.4What can the finance be used for?

There is a range of technologies that can help you cut your energy use and improve your household sustainability. Eligible technologies may include:

  • Energy generation and storage: Solar PV systems and batteries, solar hot water
  • Heating and cooling: Double-glazed windows, insulation, air-conditioners, ceiling fans and heat pumps
  • Plus: Electric vehicle chargers, home energy monitoring systems, pool pumps and induction cooktops.

Interested borrowers should directly contact participating financial institutions to find out more. You can find the list of co-financiers on our HEUF website page.

2.5Where do I start?

As with any financial decision, consumers should do their own research and due diligence when considering whether HEUF finance is suitable. Take time to think about the technologies that might benefit you and the role of the participating financial institutions. You can find the list of co-financiers on our HEUF website page.

2.6What do the co-financiers do?

Participating financial institutions have a range of important responsibilities when it comes to providing HEUF finance to consumers. They are required to:

  • Pass on the benefits of HEUF finance to borrowers
  • Finance eligible technologies as agreed with the CEFC
  • Create and deliver specialist financing products to customers
  • Assess individual loan applications.
2.7What is the CEFC responsible for?

The CEFC works with financial institutions to provide discounted finance for eligible consumer products. The participating financial institutions deliver the programs to their customers. It is important to note that:

  • The CEFC is not responsible for consumers’ loan applications and does not review or assess individual loan applications
  • We do not encourage, promote or endorse products or associated companies for installation of products
  • We are not responsible for products or labour selected that are not fit for purpose, do not suit consumer needs or are faulty
  • We are not responsible for any incidents, accidents or injuries arising from products or labour associated with the installation of products.
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3.Asset finance programs

3.1What is CEFC asset finance?

The CEFC backs a range of discounted green finance products that support low emissions investments for smaller-scale agriculture, business, industry, property and electric vehicles.

Projects are typically valued from $10,000 to $5 million and finance can cover up to 100 per cent of the cost of equipment.

More information: CEFC asset finance

3.2How can I get discounted finance?

We work with established co-financiers so that our finance can be more readily available to a broad range of consumers Australia-wide. Interested borrowers should directly contact participating financial institutions.

More information: CEFC asset finance

3.3Where do I start?

Consumers should do their own research and due diligence when considering whether an asset finance product is suitable. Take time to think about the technologies that might benefit you and the role of the participating financial institutions.

More information: CEFC asset finance

3.4Who approves my finance application?

Participating financial institutions consider individual loan applications. Please contact them directly.

3.5Can the CEFC arrange finance for me?

The CEFC does not provide finance to individual borrowers and is not involved in individual financing decisions. Interested borrowers should directly contact participating financial institutions.

More information: CEFC asset finance

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4.Clean Energy Innovation Fund

4.1What is the Clean Energy Innovation Fund?

The Clean Energy Innovation Fund is a specialist climate tech venture capital investor which backs innovative businesses and specialist climate tech funds which are helping accelerate Australia’s transition to net zero emissions. The Fund is managed by Virescent Ventures. Please contact them directly:

4.2Who can I talk to about getting CEIF finance?

Virescent Ventures manages the Clean Energy Innovation Fund on behalf of the CEFC. Please contact them directly:

4.3Who is Virescent Ventures?

Virescent Ventures, established by the CEFC, is Australia’s largest and most active dedicated climate tech venture capital fund manager. Virescent Ventures manages the Clean Energy Innovation Fund on behalf of the CEFC. You can find out more on their website:

4.4What kind of finance is available?

Investments can be in the form of debt or equity and can be made either directly into companies or via specialist funds. Contact Virescent Ventures for more information:

4.5Can I get a grant?

The CEFC does not give grants. We are an investor and work to deliver a positive return for taxpayers across our portfolio. Many governments have grants-related programs. Please contact them directly.

4.6Who makes investment decisions?

Virescent Ventures manages the Clean Energy Innovation Fund on behalf of the CEFC, including recommending relevant investment opportunities to the CEFC. Investment opportunities are considered on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with CEFC Investment Policies.

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5.Large-scale investments

5.1What kind of large-scale investments can you make?

We can make large-scale investments which are solely or mainly Australian-based and which feature renewable energy, energy efficiency and/or low emissions technologies.

Our investments in large-scale projects and funds are generally from $20 million and above and usually include capital from co-investors.

Large-scale investments can via specialist project finance; direct debt or equity; listed and unlisted funds and sustainability-themed bonds.

We do not invest in carbon capture and storage, nuclear technology or nuclear power and do not make grants.

More information: Where we invest and CEFC Investment Guidelines

5.2Do you have an investment limit?

We look at our investments on a case-by-case basis. Our investments in large-scale projects and funds are generally from $20 million and above. Large-scale investments usually include capital from co-investors.

More information: CEFC Investment Policies

5.3What kind of finance is available?

Large-scale investments can be via specialist project finance; direct debt or equity; listed and unlisted funds and sustainability-themed bonds.

More information: About our finance

5.4Who makes CEFC investment decisions?

The CEFC Board has established Investment Delegations that provide conditional authority for the CEO to approve investments that meet specific criteria. The Executive Team is responsible for assisting the CEO and Board in making investments, conducting reviews and managing day-to-day investment matters.

More information: CEFC Investment Policies 

5.5Who can I talk to about my finance request?

Before contacting us, please ensure your solely or mainly Australian investment opportunity relates to renewable energy, energy efficiency and/or low emissions technology.

More information: Investment Guidelines and Investment Policies

We aim to respond to investment queries in a timely manner. We appreciate your patience if that takes a little longer than expected.

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Please be sure to have read these FAQs as well as our Investment Policies and Investment Guidelines before contacting us.

If you still haven’t found what you are looking for, please contact us via the form below. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Please note: Information you provide to us may be used and disclosed in accordance with our Privacy and Credit Reporting Policy and is also subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

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