AgriWebb boost for sustainable, productive farming
Digital tools support sustainable cattle and sheep grazing
Australian-based agtech start-up AgriWebb supports sustainable cattle and sheep grazing through its world leading livestock management platform. Its digital tools include automated data collection from around the farm to help farmers manage resources more efficiently and produce livestock at its ideal weight.
14 million
head of livestock
lift in farm productivity
CEFC investment
AgriWebb is already making farming more efficient and we believe it can also drive better measurement and management of emissions. The CEFC brings deep experience in decarbonisation and sustainable agriculture and joining forces with the Innovation Fund team will help AgriWebb improve its focus on sustainable farming.Justin WebbExecutive Chairman and co-founder, AgriWebb
Our investment
The CEFC has invested $6 million in Agriwebb through the Clean Energy Innovation Fund to develop tools that track methane emissions from livestock and the carbon sequestration of paddocks.
our impact
Information provided by the AgriWebb platform will help farmers manage their farms more sustainably and shift livestock between paddocks to avoid overgrazing. The data also provides a digital paper trail that will make it easier to target value-adding certifications such as carbon-neutral beef and to participate in carbon sequestration schemes.
With the CEFC investment, AgriWebb will develop tools that track methane emissions from livestock and the carbon sequestration of paddocks. AgriWebb collects data from gates, weigh stations, electronic tag readers and feed and water troughs, and captures in-field decisions in real time. The information gives farmers a more detailed picture of the health of the herd and pastures, allowing them to allocate resources more efficiently and to reduce carbon emissions.
According to AgriWebb, customers using the platform in Australia and the UK reported a 7.5 per cent improvement in productivity, as well as healthier pastures. Farmers said the platform improved communications between station managers and farmhands, helped avoid overgrazing, directed underweight animals to higher feed paddocks, lowered diesel emissions, reduced herbicide and pesticide use and resulted in fewer animal deaths.
AgriWebb manages more than 14 million head of livestock across 60 million acres around the globe, including Australia and the UK. In Australia more than 15 per cent of cattle and sheep stock are managed on the AgriWebb platform.