EnergyConnect to unlock cheaper, greener power
Accelerating National Electricity Market decarbonisation
TransGrid is developing essential grid infrastructure which will unlock renewable energy projects across South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales, provide grid security and accelerate the decarbonisation of the National Electricity Market.
1,800 MW
clean energy
construction jobs
CEFC finance
EnergyConnect reflects our strong focus on investing in essential grid augmentation as part of Australia’s important renewable energy transition. We see exciting investment opportunities in energy transmission, interconnectors, renewable energy zones, pumped hydro, grid-scale battery storage and green hydrogen. These assets can all play a critical role in the accelerated decarbonisation of our electricity grid, delivering a cleaner and more reliable energy system which takes advantage of our world leading renewable energy resources.Ian LearmonthCEO, CEFC
Our investment
The CEFC committed up to $295 million in capital in 2021, to play an instrumental role in developing EnergyConnect – a vital piece of grid infrastructure that will span more than 900 kilometres and connect the energy grids of NSW and SA, with an additional link to north-west Victoria.
TransGrid and construction partner Elecnor Australia are delivering the 700km NSW portion of the new interconnector, which is supported by the CEFC commitment. Meanwhile, the 200 kilometre stretch of EnergyConnect in South Australia between Robertstown and the NSW/SA border, was completed by ElectraNet in December 2023.1
The EnergyConnect route passes through renewable energy zones in South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria and will enable future generators in these areas to connect and supply renewable energy to the network.
our impact
Unlocking renewable generation in three States
The Australian Energy Market Operator forecasts that EnergyConnect will unlock as much as 1,800 MW of renewable energy generation across Renewable Energy Zones, including approximately 800 MW in SA, 400 MW in NSW and 600 MW in Victoria.
By creating a second point of connection between SA and the NEM, EnergyConnect will significantly reduce the risk of the SA grid being 'islanded' or disconnected from the NEM.
Victoria’s Alcoa Portland aluminium smelter will also indirectly benefit from EnergyConnect, with an alternate interconnector from SA to the rest of the NEM enabling critical maintenance to be performed at the nearby Heywood interconnector.
Creating employment and customer savings
According to EnergyConnect, the development of this additional renewable energy capacity will lead to the creation of some 950 jobs across the region. In addition, up to 1,700 jobs will be created during construction.
Importantly for energy consumers, EnergyConnect is estimated to save NSW customers $180 million per year. ACIL Allen expects EnergyConnect to deliver estimated annual energy savings of about $128 to individual SA households.2
Industry recognition for sustainability measures
EnergyConnect is the first electricity transmission project in Australia to receive the Infrastructure Sustainability Council Design Rating of “Leading” which recognised the sustainability measures undertaken.3
These include:
- Reduced clearing to preserve biodiversity
- Using guyed towers that require 25 per cent less steel and 15 per cent less concrete to construct than conventional structures
- Installing more than 1,500 nest boxes to replace tree hollows, with more to come.
- A 31 per cent reduction in construction water using non-water based dust suppression alternatives and grey water.
- Replacing 78 per cent of potable water with non-potable sources
- Recycling wooden pallets, cans and bottles from worker accommodation camps to reduce waste to landfill
- The Legacy 100 program to train Australia’s own transmission line construction workforce
- A scholarship fund for Charles Sturt University engineering students.
2 ACIL Allen Project EnergyConnect updated analysis April 2023