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Case study

Qualitas Build-to-Rent Impact Fund

Boosting clean, green rental housing

Real estate investment management firm Qualitas has created Australia’s first property debt fund to elevate minimum sustainability criteria into its investment criteria. The Qualitas Build-to-Rent Impact Fund is also Australia’s first dedicated build-to-rent debt platform.


lower emissions

7 Star

NatHERS rating


CEFC finance

Qualitas is determined to accelerate Australia’s transition to a low carbon economy and the green overlay of the fund will help reduce emissions generated by residential housing.
Tim Johansen
Global Head of Capital, Qualitas

Our investment

The CEFC made a cornerstone commitment of up to $125 million to the Qualitas Build-to-Rent Impact Fund (QBIF) which will finance housing that meets strong sustainability standards and reduces greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 per cent compared with the current building code.

our impact

The CEFC investment in QBIF is a significant opportunity to contribute to a low emissions foundation for Australia’s emerging build-to-rent asset class. The investment aims to boost the availability of sustainable rental stock, extending the benefits of clean energy to Australian renters.

From an investor perspective, build-to-rent provides significant benefits within real estate and credit portfolios, including low volatility, low correlation to other asset classes, and a diversified credit risk due to a large tenant base.

Accessing the build-to-rent asset class through secured debt also provides structural protection for investors seeking consistent income in a low rate world.

To qualify for QBIF finance, projects must demonstrate minimum sustainability standards, including:

  • Average NatHERS rating of seven stars
  • 5 Star NABERS for Apartments Energy rating
  • Criteria for energy efficient appliances
  • Capacity include rooftop solar.

According to the Property Council of Australia, buildings account for more than 50 per of Australia’s electricity use and almost a quarter of carbon emissions, with residential property driving about half those emissions.

Last updated February 2020. National, Housing, Property, Energy efficiency
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