CEFC Green Star Champion

20 June 2024
The CEFC congratulates the winners of 2024 Green Building Council Australia’s Green Star Champions awards, including CEFC Head of Property, Michael Di Russo. The awards, now in their fourth year, recognise the vision, passion and commitment of leaders across the industry who have made an ongoing commitment to create a more resilient, healthy and efficient built environment.
“It’s a great honour to be recognised as a Green Star Champion and I thank the GBCA. This acknowledgement reflects my personal commitment to achieving net zero emissions, as well as the collective efforts of our great team at the CEFC. We have a long-standing commitment to use our capital and expertise to back market leading projects which can help decarbonise our economy. It’s a privilege to work alongside Australia’s property sector, which is showing real leadership in addressing this important challenge.
“The buildings we live and work in play a huge role in our lives and have the capacity to significantly reduce Australia’s carbon emissions. This drives a strong sense of purpose. Seeing and being a part of the rapid change in the property sector in the past eight years or so has been exciting and I’m really looking forward to seeing what the next decade brings,” Michael Di Russo, CEFC Head of Property.
The buildings we live and work in play a huge role in our lives and have the capacity to significantly reduce Australia’s carbon emissions. This drives a strong sense of purpose. Seeing and being a part of the rapid change in the property sector in the past eight years or so has been exciting and I’m really looking forward to seeing what the next decade bringsMichael Di RussoCEFC Head of Property
CEFC property-related investments seek to extend the benefits of clean energy across the commercial, industrial and residential property sectors to deliver the best-in-class performance around energy efficiency and the effective integration of renewable energy into new and existing builds.
As Head of Property at the CEFC, Michael has led debt and equity investments to accelerate Australia’s transition to lower emissions in the built environment, including retrofitting Australia’s existing building stock for energy efficiency, backing sustainability in residential build to rent properties, and supporting sustainability standards in the industrial real estate sector.
Green Building Council of Australia media release